In Fundación Santa Rosa we seek that the community of the municipality of Maripi and western Boyaca have the same possibilities of growth and of exercising their rights based on their potential and capabilities. To do this, we deploy the following strategic lines, framed in three major programs, each with their correspondent projects:

1. Education and culture

The main wealth of the municipality of Maripi, in particular, and of western of Boyaca, in general, is the cultural and natural diversity. That is why with this line we seek to generate knowledge through social processes, with educational relevance and pedagogical proposals in line with the generation of alternatives for the construction of a better quality of life in the community.

Educative and Cultural Cuna Program

At Fundación Santa Rosa, we created a scholarship to finance higher education for students who do not have sufficient financial resources and who stand out for their academic excellence.

  • The scholarship includes the payment of the tuition to the public university chosen by the beneficiary, as well as a support subsidy.
  • The objective is to increase the rate of young people with access to higher education and recognize the excellence of outstanding students.
  • We also seek to build human capital that can be reinvested in the municipality for the development of a more prosperous and peaceful region.

We promote, encourage and facilitate the most representative cultural and sports activities in the region.

  • We work in partnership with a wide variety of entities and institutions that carry out activities and events, especially related to cultural, educational or sports activities.
  • The objective is to promote and integrate the community around these activities, through which values such as respect, tolerance, integration and improvement are also transmitted.

We promote the validation of primary and secondary elementary studies for employees of Esmeraldas Santa Rosa, in whose facilities of the operational headquarters classes are taught by teachers of the Technical Educational Institution Zulia de Maripí. With this project we look for the following objectives:

  • To raise the quality of life of the community.
  • To improve individual, family and community conditions through education.
  • To provide equal opportunities conditions through education.
  • To impact on the development of the quality of life of the communities.
  • To generate processes of participation and democratic construction, allowing the community to have an active role in the matter.

We seek to incorporate rural youth into initiatives and economic dynamics that allow their integration into local and regional productive and labor markets, with a fair remuneration that allows the improvement of their quality of life. This will be possible by carrying out the following activities:

  • Use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
  • Design and development of professional orientation program.
  • Design and implementation of a strategy for productive inclusion.
  • Tailored training for employability and rural entrepreneurship.
  • Tracking and monitoring of employability indicators.

2. Economic and local development

This line aims to promote the strengthening of social organizations, in order to facilitate dialogue with the different actors of the province and thus build shared visions of development and peace. This strategic line considers the generation of income and agricultural activities as determinant fronts for the progress of the community of the municipality.

Productive Cuna Program

With this educational-productive project we promote, guide and develop the capacities of the inhabitants of the municipality. The RPS will provide an Integral Farm for the community to participate in training programs, receive accompaniment and have specialized technical assistance so they can develop skills and abilities focused on the search for rural community development. The objective is:

  • To contribute to the resolution of identified problems that hinder the improvement of living conditions.
  • BTo provide an effective contribution for the formation of children, adolescents and agricultural adults, so that they take an active and responsible part in the social and productive life of their community.
  • To create alternatives so that household income does not depend exclusively on mining activity, and thus Maripi becomes an agricultural municipality.

At the Foundation, we help to build lasting relationships between Esmeraldas Santa Rosa and its suppliers and distributors, based on shared principles and values that guarantee sustainability through the continuous improvement of administrative, commercial, technical, productive and financial competencies. With this the company will be able to:

  • Provide quality tools and work organization, as well as negotiations on pricing policy, among other topics.
  • Establish long-term strategic relationships, in which the large company and the micro, small and medium find incentives and create win-win scenarios.
  • Create employment in the region.
  • Promote local labor with competitive suppliers capable of generating quality products.

We foster tourism as an alternative for development with social and environmental responsibility. The extractive activity, especially of emeralds, is for the Foundation an opportunity to develop the tourism sector and promote it in the region. The purpose of this project is:

  • To provide the community with a mechanism that allows associativity (associations or cooperatives).
  • To privilege sustainability, to preserve the environment, to develop cultural activities and to strengthen capacities to have access to resources.
  • To build respect and cultural awareness.
  • To provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.
  • To provide direct financial benefits to communities and strengthen their participation in decision making.
  • To support the universal human rights and the laboral laws.

3. Peace and governance

This strategic line seeks the empowerment of the community and the strengthening of institutional capacities (State and company), through citizen participation, the improvement of the relationship with public management and social control for the construction of a more democratic and peaceful region.

Cuna of Development and Peace Program

With this project we seek to be a tool of cooperation and generation of alliances between local actors, in such a way that the implementation of a culture of peace based on the strengthening of dialogue, respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law is achieved, plus the construction of a dignified life with a sustainable socioeconomic development that improves the socioeconomic conditions of the population of the municipality. The strengthening of these expressions of civil society will allow:

  • To strengthen installed capacities and to support existing development and peace initiatives in the region.
  • To generate regional alliances for the consolidation of peace.
  • To promote the effective incidence of these initiatives in regional socio-political processes.
  • Collect successful experiences, knowledge and capacities installed in local initiatives as an input to consolidate peace in the region.

Fundación Santa Rosa encourages the dialogue between Esmeraldas Santa Rosa and its stakeholders, including Maripi and the municipalities in western Boyaca which make up the area of influence of the project. To achieve this goal, a Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Table will be established with the aim of:

  • Encouraging dialogue between the local-regional government, civil society and the company, in order to consolidate trust relationships aimed at the search for consensus and the definition of agreements.
  • Encouraging collaborative construction from the perspective of preventing conflicts, managing the existing ones, and finding solutions that facilitate the region's inclusive and sustainable development.
  • Articulating interests and needs coming from different actors, so that the decisions that affect the parties and the possible solutions are constructed in a shared way.
  • Promoting actions aimed at maintaining peace in the region.
  • Formalizing participation spaces as a monitoring tool and indicator of the impact of the projects.